Yearly Archives: 2017

Sights of Southeast Asia

It seems every so often, I head back to Southeast Asia.  Is it because I like the sensation of being tall at 5’5″?  Is it because of the insects big enough to be small birds?  Is it the thrill of

Posted in Thinking Travel

Windjammer contemplation

Seals poke their heads through the waves; Osprey fly high in the starry night; I am between them. ♠ Breathing in the scent of the sea and listening to the lapping water, I sense balance.   ♣ In the wind,

Posted in Just for Fun

Jordan – my first 24 hours

My flight from Istanbul arrived in Amman at 11:55pm. I talked politics with the taxi driver taking me to my hotel. He said he was a Palestinian and Palestine should be for the Palestinians. I countered that the Jews and

Posted in Just for Fun

Endearing Elephants

I have a memory like an elephant. In fact, elephants often consult me. —Noel Coward  Riding atop an elephant in a forest, the elephant would uproot a tree for a snack, all without missing a beat. At a Moscow circus,

Posted in Wildlife

I miss Brennivin

Iceland. I ate a chip from a chunk of a 100,000-year old glacier ice. It was served on a tray. I was on a boat (actually an amphibious vehicle) in the glacier lagoon of Jokulsarion. The day was full of

Posted in World Glimpses