Monthly Archives: March 2019


Sometimes those tacky tourist places are the best. That was the case with the Tequila Museum in Mexico City. There is a self-guided tour about the production of Tequila. Then, on the roof, you are treated to samples—samples of tequila

Posted in World Glimpses

Sharing the World

I was thinking about all the time in New England that I have spent waiting in a bind for a moose or a bear to show up.  In Sri Lanka, the wildlife showed up where I was least expecting it.

Posted in Wildlife

Llama, Alpaca and Guanaco

Llama, Alpaca and Guanaco are all Peruvian locals. As a tourist, I confess that I mostly paid attention to the fact that they were different types of animals because of the texture of sweater to be made by each animal’s

Posted in Wildlife