Blog Archives

Rose Gardens

June, around my home, is the time to pick strawberries and visit rose gardens. Strawberries are delicious, but the rose gardens provide my June sustenance. What do I do upon reaching a rose garden? I stroll about the garden walkways,

Posted in Just for Fun

Taking My First Steps

June 2021 is the month I’ve begun cautiously stepping outside my home, my winter hideout during the plague (COVID-19 Pandemic). Just moving around a bit…getting the car oil changed, having a hair trim, stopping at a restaurant to sit under

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Feeling the Heat

It is the first hot and humid day of Spring and my mind wanders to my first trip to Eastern Africa. As my safari was put on hold while awaiting a new jeep tire, we huddled in a small circle

Posted in Just for Fun

Booking Air Travel 2021

WHAT IS A WOULD-BE PLANE PASSENGER TO DO? Today, on more than one airline, if I book Premier Economy seats, the tickets are REFUNDABLE. While more expensive than regular economy seating, they are the most cost effective seats these days.

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Travel Snacks

A friend shared a link to “Best Travel Snacks” and it got me thinking that I have my own ideas on the topic.  LONG TRIPS. I always pack mint tea bags and apple tea bags. The mint scent helps me focus

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