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In 2020, Madagascar made an herbal supplement, Covid Organics, free to its population, touted as a means to protect oneself from the worst of COVID-19.  I see in mid 2021, Madagascar is welcoming COVID-19 vaccinations for its citizens. Very glad

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Portuguese Republic. In the news this week, Portugal is opening the longest pedestrian bridge, 516 meters long and suspended 175 meters above the River Paiva in Arouca. It has Portugal on my mind. Lisbon is five hours ahead of Boston.

Posted in Thinking Travel

Bronx Spring

Come Spring, I start thinking of long weekend trips. Whether it be some place new or some place I’ve visited a thousand times, the warmer weather (with its easier travel and less layers of clothing and more comfortable outdoors) makes

Posted in Found in the USA


Given the Easter holiday is so nearby, my mind went to Calvary where Jesus of Nazareth was nailed to a wooden cross that was then raised up for all to see. In Jerusalem, the Church of St. Andrew is dedicated to the

Posted in Travel Posts

Dog Ear Publishing

I’ll bet most people don’t talk of being bamboozled. That is one reason why I’m telling my story. I had purchased a prepaid book publishing contract in 2016. It was one of those promotions, urging authors to lock into 2016

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