Blog Archives

Nativity Scene

In this December, I am uncovering my Christmas decorations and deciding what I want to do with them this time around.   I am reminded of a room full of nativity scenes – it was a special exhibit with parents

Posted in Just for Fun

News Snippets from Ghana

“No one tests the depth of a river with both feet.” –African proverb Ghana has multiple newspapers. English is the official language there so English readers have a variety of news sources. In 2008, I had clipped a few articles

Posted in Just for Fun

Mona Monkeys

In Ghana, I met up with Mona Monkeys. First, they scampered around my campground, intimidating me as I set up my tent. Second, they posed at a monkey cemetery where gravestones marked specific monkey dead.  Mona Monkeys have the look

Posted in Wildlife

Dancing in the Streets

Among the many colorful and provocative sights in Mexico City, one of my favorites is the colorful dance troupes, depicting Aztec traditional dance. Or as a sceptic mumbled, how do they know the ancient Aztecs danced like that? It’s a

Posted in World Glimpses

River Ganges

India.  “The Ganges River flows through Varanasi. It is considered sacred because it holds the karma of ancestors from the ashes of cremated corpses thrown into the river’s waters. I took an early morning taxi to the Ganges River for

Posted in World Glimpses