Blog Archives

Grave Tales

It seems unthinkable to me that the centuries have been enacted by mostly male humans. I think it more likely that this was the personal or political bias of those creating the history. Even Amazons are nonchalantly debunked by some.

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Life is Good

We had our first snow yesterday. I dutifully rummaged for my beeswax candles to mark the occasion. It was a wet and frigid day. Watching the squirrels shiver in the snow was heart wrenching. I watched the full moon until

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Nazca Lines

Peru. I wanted to see the Nazca Lines.  On the way, the striking miners had blocked the roads with rocks so that I was heading away from the Nazca Lines. Now I was another day away from them. It was

Posted in World Glimpses

Motion Sickness

For people who find themselves a bit shaky after a hard day of travel, I recommend you consider motion wrist bands.  I’ve heard of people wearing them to guard against sea sickness. I find these are great for bouncing and

Posted in Travel Know How

Pandemic – Month 6

“A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.” – William G.T. Shedd In these strange Covid-19 times, it takes more personal motivation for some of us to get out of our comfort zones.  I know

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