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from Chapter 5:  Maya Moment “At Tikal, I shook with fear walking up the Temple steps. The goal was to watch the sunset from the top and then get back down to the ground before dark.  To add to my frustration,

Posted in World Glimpses

Baobab Alley

In the center of the western shores of Madagascar is the Menabe Region, where you are apt to sporadically find Baobab trees. (This was amidst an ongoing educational campaign to stop using these trees for firewood and to remember they

Posted in World Glimpses

Icelandic Horse

Iceland doesn’t let any other horse breed enter its island borders.  They say the Vikings brought the ancestor of this horse to Iceland in or around 800 A.D. My curiosity was piqued so I signed up for a horse ride

Posted in Wildlife

Dealing with Delay

Travel delays have been in the news lately.  What to do when this happens? Remember to breath. Life is unpredictable. Granted, when you have long planned for a particular destination, it can be difficult to roll with any interruptions to

Posted in Travel Know How


In the USA, we are celebrating Thanksgiving this week.  Sara Hale was a big campaigner to have this day celebrated as a national holiday.  I played the part of Ms. Hale in an elementary school play so I always remember

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