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Nails on chalkboard

Philadelphia.  The years have gone by but I still remember that long weekend in Philly. It isn’t because of the Philly cheesesteaks, the art museums or the U-Penn Museums. Though those were all good. Let me start from the beginning

Posted in Found in the USA

Dinosaur Dreaming

“I never let practical considerations clutter my youthful dreams.” ― Roy Chapman Andrews I enjoyed reading Dragon Hunter, Charles Gallenkamp’s biography of Roy Chapman Andrews. He was the one who made all sorts of fantastic dino discoveries in the Gobi

Posted in Just for Fun

Radio Congo

Ben Rawlence’s Radio Congo  succeeds in capturing life on the ground in East Africa. Perhaps I am reading in too much of my own experience, but I don’t think so. I confess I usually am bored with travel writing, but

Posted in Thinking Travel

Village in Rwanda

Rwanda. Sitting in the local bar, a dark, 10×15 foot shack, sipping home-brewed banana beer. There was no discount on the bottle even though half of it had sprayed into the air when the woman tending the bar had opened

Posted in World Glimpses

Iggy the Iguana

The way this big creature blended with its environment was unnerving. Here is a land iguana whose yellow highlights, I was told, came from eating the yellow cactus flowers. While not naturally partial to reptiles with their rough scales and

Posted in Wildlife