Blog Archives

My Luggage

What do I use for luggage?  For my main bag, I use a convertible backpack, one that converts to a canvas suitcase.  It unzips to expand an inch though I would not advise it.  But if you need the extra

Posted in Travel Know How

Mongolia reading

Recommended reading?  As much in life, it depends on your interests.  I like history and trivia.  Advance preparation helps plan the route to cover what you don’t want to miss.  And once you’re not in Kansas anymore, it increases your

Posted in Thinking Travel

India revisited

CC wrote:  “I started your book last night and am loving reading it. This morning I saw this video and it is very relevant to your first experiences in India, take a look:” Here is a short <YouTube> from a

Posted in Thinking Travel

What’s in a Name?

To answer your question, the L stands for Little. —Tina Marie L. Lamb   T is for the tenacity she keeps in her pocket. I is for the imagination that won’t go away. N is for her nonchalance in building

Posted in Just for Fun

Travel Ideas

Where to get travel ideas?  I get most of my travel ideas from the Travel Section of the Sunday newspaper and from engaging well-travelled people.  It was in the Travel  Section where I found a day trip to work on

Posted in Travel Know How