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Kejimkujk National Park

Nova Scotia.  An overnight canoe trip is a wonderful way to immerse yourself in the backcountry vibe of Kejimkujk National Park and Historical Site. It was first designated as a National Park in 1969 and is considered the second largest biosphere

Posted in World Glimpses

Doorbell Ringing

In honor of Halloween… Keith brushed his teeth and called it a night. Wait, he should check his calendar for the week to see what’s coming up. He dutifully reviewed his calendar, as he fought off sleep. That’s done, thought

Posted in Uncategorized

Budapest Blast

I was asked about favorite cities before. In places where you would want to learn a bit of the local language in advance, my favorites would  be Paris and Rome. Let me add BUDAPEST in Hungary. There is so much

Posted in World Glimpses

Venice Vacation Tips

Venezia in Italia.  Some people come away gushing about its splendor; some people come away mumbling about a money trap.   To enjoy Venice, buy a Vaporetto pass so you can hop around as much as you want and enjoy

Posted in Thinking Travel

Let’s Meet in St. Louis

St. Louis, Missouri was named as one of the best USA cities in which to live.  I have nothing against St. Louis, but I find it a bit dull.  I was happy to see a new aquarium had opened the

Posted in Found in the USA