Careening Colors

Laos. In the early morning, I rented a bicycle in Tad Fane to see the town before the heat became oppressive, as it was wont to do. The town looked fairly nondescript, but I figured I may as well see what there was to see as I was there. Not only was it a wonder that the bicycle shop was already open, but people were already out and about. Cows already were in their fields. The roads were fairly flat so I pedaled through and around town. The colors were flying as I bicycled by. The local temples offered colorful art to behold that encouraged me to stretch imagination. (Were we conversing? Was I intruding?) The produce vendors had no less colorful displays. While much of it looked familiar tasting, it often proved otherwise once I tried a bite. Instead of remembering a dusty town, it is the color stimulation that stands out in my mind. Careening around the corners of loosely packed dirt, I couldn’t help but think the locals might think my home town a bid drab.

So be it.

There ought to be a law.


splish splash

splish splash


Taste test

Taste test

This is another post about Laos.

TATTOO—Journeys on My Mind by Tina Marie L. Lamb is available at Amazon and BarnesandNoble and Apple’s iBooks.

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