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Taking My First Steps

June 2021 is the month I’ve begun cautiously stepping outside my home, my winter hideout during the plague (COVID-19 Pandemic). Just moving around a bit…getting the car oil changed, having a hair trim, stopping at a restaurant to sit under

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In 2020, Madagascar made an herbal supplement, Covid Organics, free to its population, touted as a means to protect oneself from the worst of COVID-19.  I see in mid 2021, Madagascar is welcoming COVID-19 vaccinations for its citizens. Very glad

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Portuguese Republic. In the news this week, Portugal is opening the longest pedestrian bridge, 516 meters long and suspended 175 meters above the River Paiva in Arouca. It has Portugal on my mind. Lisbon is five hours ahead of Boston.

Posted in Thinking Travel

Retiree’s Bucket List

Retired American, in fine health, not an athlete, not out of shape, seeking places unlike home, partial to tour groups.  What do you recommend I consider for my travel bucket list? I don’t know if you are from Alaska, Hawaii, Southern

Posted in Thinking Travel

A Walk in the Woods

When you cannot go far, you can still go somewhere. Perhaps, take in the local state forests and/or state parks. I have been exploring the Massachusetts State Parks and State Forests this summer. Hiking, boating, swimming, and admiring nature’s beauty—lovely,

Posted in Thinking Travel