Blog Archives

Springfield, IL

Given the current weather, I’m reflecting on travels I have undertaken in the snow. One January, I had driven around Southern Illinois with the goal of seeing the Bald Eagles in the winter by the Mississippi River.  On my way

Posted in Thinking Travel

White Mountains

The autumn is a wonderful time to spend a weekend in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.   For me, it gets a bit chilly for a tent at this time of year.  But that’s OK because of the White

Posted in Thinking Travel

Maritimes Itinerary

MARITIME PROVINCES OF NOVA SCOTIA AND PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND – 2019 If you are considering a trip to Halifax and the Canadian Maritimes, this itinerary worked well for me. I was planning a road trip to Nova Scotia and Prince

Posted in Thinking Travel

Providence, RI

Do I have any ideas for a weekend in Providence, Rhode, Island?  Yes, I do. It is the capital city of Rhode Island so I would recommend a stop in the State House. I highly recommend a few hours at

Posted in Thinking Travel

Next Up?

Where is my next destination and why? Sri Lanka is on my calendar. When I was seven years old, my older sister had a penpal in Ceylon. And that penpal had a seven  year old sister too!  We younger sisters

Posted in Thinking Travel