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Be Resolved

At this time of year, many talk about making resolutions for going forward. If you are tending to get too comfortable or perhaps losing your edge, then travel may help. How about TRAVEL RESOLUTIONS? See this list of eleven suggestions to

Posted in Travel Know How

Gifts for Travelers

“Gifts, believe me, captivate both men and Gods, Jupiter himself was won over and appeased by gifts.” —Ovid What to give the traveler? Check out these 25 gift ideas: Portable Battery Charger – ultra thin (think credit card size) Travel

Posted in Travel Know How

Maple Syrup memories

You can’t get much closer to authentic New England than a sugarhouse in March. I have fond memories of looking into open vats of boiling maple sap. This was in and around a cold walk outside to watch the sap

Posted in Found in the USA

Bear Bait

CANADA.  As those who have read TATTOO would know, I harbor a non-budging dichotomy of emotions toward bears. For the most part, I would love to encounter a bear one-on-one in the wild. But when I am close to them

Posted in Wildlife

Johnston Canyon

Canadian Rockies, Alberta. In Banff National Park, sets Johnston Canyon. There is a paved walk to two water falls. The way the trees fell every which way illustrated the concept of chaos. A tree trunk was shaped like a big

Posted in World Glimpses