Blog Archives

Arlington National Cemetery

Arlington National Cemetery is a car ride or a subway ride from Washington DC. It is across the Potomac River from DC. A National Cemetery since 1864, its original purpose was to provide a decent burial for soldiers whose families

Posted in Found in the USA

Let’s Meet in St. Louis

St. Louis, Missouri was named as one of the best USA cities in which to live.  I have nothing against St. Louis, but I find it a bit dull.  I was happy to see a new aquarium had opened the

Posted in Found in the USA

Bronx Spring

Come Spring, I start thinking of long weekend trips. Whether it be some place new or some place I’ve visited a thousand times, the warmer weather (with its easier travel and less layers of clothing and more comfortable outdoors) makes

Posted in Found in the USA

Dino CT State Park

Connecticut.  Close to the State Capital of Hartford lies the Dinosaur State Park. It was a day trip for me.  I love just about everything about dinosaurs and this park is the largest dinosaur track site on the North American

Posted in Found in the USA

Portland, Oregon

Portland, 1997.  That city has some good ideas. There is a lot of interesting art work around the city and a lot of it is built into the buildings themselves. That is because Portland has a one percent tax on

Posted in Found in the USA