Blog Archives

Ohio re-visited

I had taken a road trip around Ohio and felt no compunction to return until they opened the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. Years went by and finally, I took the plunge. I confess I didn’t find

Posted in Found in the USA

Allagash Wilderness Waterway

Maine.  If almost a hundred miles of kayaking through cold water and gorgeous green forest appeals to you, this is a trip to consider. Traveling at ten miles a day, you can traverse it in nine days.  I signed on for just such

Posted in Found in the USA

Sawtooth Mt. Range

Idaho: Flying in a two-seater plane from Boise to Stanley, the world of Famous Potatoes license plates quickly faded away. We entered a world of jagged and sharp looking mountain ridges. The pilot explained this was the Sawtooth Mountain Range. In

Posted in Found in the USA

Kentucky kicks up dust

In 2006, I went to Kentucky mostly to see The Kentucky Derby Race in Louisville. Though I had spent much time window shopping in NYC for a lovely hat, I settled on a $12.00 antique shop number. After spending $650 for a

Posted in Found in the USA

Tennessee Wince

Sometime in the late 1980s, I was in Tennessee. In Nashville, I was lost in the many large parking lots trying to find the Grand Ole Opry venue for at least 15 minutes. Then, even more unsettling, the audience went wild showing its approbation

Posted in Found in the USA