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Eligible Elk

Ernie the Elk took another sip of cold water. It was rutting season and for some reason, his classified ad had not been printed in the local news. No doubt the doing of some jealous rivals. He had worked for

Posted in Wildlife


Lions, like the majestic star who growls at the beginning of MGM movies, don’t spend all their time in Hollywood. And they can do much more than roar when they wish to speak. Among other sounds, lions can meow! I’m

Posted in Wildlife

Sharing the World

I was thinking about all the time in New England that I have spent waiting in a bind for a moose or a bear to show up.  In Sri Lanka, the wildlife showed up where I was least expecting it.

Posted in Wildlife

Llama, Alpaca and Guanaco

Llama, Alpaca and Guanaco are all Peruvian locals. As a tourist, I confess that I mostly paid attention to the fact that they were different types of animals because of the texture of sweater to be made by each animal’s

Posted in Wildlife

Icelandic Horse

Iceland doesn’t let any other horse breed enter its island borders.  They say the Vikings brought the ancestor of this horse to Iceland in or around 800 A.D. My curiosity was piqued so I signed up for a horse ride

Posted in Wildlife