Snakes in March

Reprinted from March 2021.

Around this time of year, I recall sitting around a table and having fun when things turned tense. A young man was patiently explaining why there were never snakes in Ireland. An older woman took great offense. Another murmured that the Saint deserved better.  

That is when I learned that if people want to say St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland, it may be best to smile and move the conversation along.

For the curious, here is the long version.

If people feel strongly about it, I see no need to insist that there were never snakes in Ireland. There, I’ve said it.

Life is too short…just eat your corned beef and cabbage.

TATTOO—Journeys on My Mind by Tina Marie L. Lamb is available at Amazon and BarnesandNoble and iBooks and Audible.

Buy it. Read it. (Or listen to it.) Let me know what you think. –TMLL

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