Temple of Hercules

Pompey conquered what is now Jordan for the Romans about 20 years after Caesar crossed the Rubicon, and Rome ruled there for 400 years.  This explains the Roman ruins.

Set on a hill in the City of Amman is what is left of the Temple of Hercules (Herakles in that part of the world). It was built in Amman in the second century. (In the third century, Amman was renamed Philadelphia. This same city is the Ammon referred to in the Old Testament and its name returned to Amman when the Persians conquered the area in the 600s. Just saying…if you’ve got a date in Philadelphia, he’ll be waiting in Amman.)

You can glimpse the vertical columns of the Temple from downtown Amman. Or you can look over Amman from the Temple site. As ruins go, it is well worth the uphill journey to the top of Amman’s highest hill. There is a small but informative archeological museum on the site. (I recommend checking the museum’s open hours so you can visit the museum while there.) According to the museum, the Neolithic pottery found on this hill makes it a place that has been continuously inhabited much longer than most places in the world.

It is not definitive that this Temple was dedicated Hercules, but I rather liked the idea that it was. Half-gods deserve respect too.


The Temple of Hercules “is thought to be the most significant Roman structure in the Amman Citadel. According to an inscription the temple was built when Geminius Marcianus was governor of the Province of Arabia (AD 162-166)…” —Wikipedia

You can see a model of how this Temple may have looked back in the day if you click HERE.

TATTOO—Journeys on My Mind by Tina Marie L. Lamb is available at Amazon and BarnesandNoble and iBooks and Audible.

Buy it. Read it. (Or listen to it.) Let me know what you think. –TMLL

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Posted in World Glimpses

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