Travel Short Stories

Why would I want to read a book of travel short stories? I recommend it. I can tell you what it did for me.

When I was an undergraduate student, I attended classes, participated in a few school-sponsored extracurricular activities, worked at a job and studied. It seemed that travel was something in my distant past. Had I turned into an adult? There was no time to think about travel, let alone the time or money to travel. In graduate school, I still seemed to find no time after classes, study and work.

But one day, I got lucky.

I stumbled upon a book, Linda Ledray’s The Single Woman’s Vacation Guide and purchased a copy. In and around my time-consuming school activity, I read it chapter by chapter and then again, page by page. While it was far from feasible in the present, solo travel was what I wanted to do with my life. I considered the trips that Ms. Ledray described in her book. That is how I came to go dogsledding in northern Minnesota! (See Tattoo’s Chapter 9: The Howling)

This book was a great link for me to start thinking about travel and be ready once I was able to travel. After 6 months of professional work, I took a mini vacation to St. Louis, Missouri. I walked through the green gardens, admired the Gateway Arch, and tried a breakfast of biscuits and gravy. That short trip gave me confidence. I could afford it; I could handle it; and there was still a job for me when I returned home. Soon after, my post-school travels began in earnest.

Reading a book of travel stories can serve as a stopgap or a jumpstart. It is my hope that Tattoo—Journeys on My Mind might serve such purpose. —-TMLL

Iditarod anyone?

TATTOO—Journeys on My Mind by Tina Marie L. Lamb is available at Amazon and BarnesandNoble and iBooks and Audible.

Buy it. Read it. Let me know what you think. –TMLL



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