
Bubbly white trills churning with energy and spilling with life.

Iceland has many waterfalls. In my ten-day tour around the rim of the island, we stopped to admire at least one a day. I never tired of them. Here is a sample of the sights.








Gushing water fills my ears and awakens my spirit. Water droplets performing in drill precision consume my gaze, luring me to a sense of oneness with the water. The flow, at first alarming, becomes comforting, reassuring in its constancy. Quick water. Fleet as my life. Shall we fall together?

Here is a post about a trip to another waterfall, Niagara Falls.

TATTOO—Journeys on My Mind by Tina Marie L. Lamb is available aAmazon and BarnesandNoble and iBooks and Audible.

Buy it. Read it. (Or listen to it.) Let me know what you think. –TMLL

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Posted in Just for Fun

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